Anesthesia Deconstructed: Moving Anesthesia Forward

From Anesthesiologist Assistant (AA) to Nurse Anesthesiologist (CRNA)

Michael MacKinnon DNP FNP-C CRNA & Joe Rodriguez DNAP CRNA Season 1 Episode 17

In this episode we talk to Lee Austin, a former Anesthesiologist Assistant who went back to school to become a CRNA. Lee explains how different the educational programs were, how different the focus is on training between the independent practice trained CRNA to the  assistant role of the AA and how that difference really resulted in professional fulfillment for her. We also discuss the Texas Christian University AA to CRNA bridge program and how Lee feels every AA should consider it!

This is a great insight from someone who has been through both programs and worked as both types of provider.

Listeners can learn more about the TCU AA to CRNA bridge program HERE !

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