Anesthesia Deconstructed: Moving Anesthesia Forward
Anesthesia Deconstructed: Unraveling the Complexities of Modern Anesthesia Practice
Founded in 2018 by Mike MacKinnon, DNP, FNP, CRNA, FAAN, and later joined by co-host Joe Rodriguez, DNAP, CRNA, Anesthesia Deconstructed is an award-winning podcast that consistently ranks as the nation's top-downloaded anesthesia podcast, with two of the most well-known CRNAs in the country as hosts. We feature industry experts from across the spectrum, exploring scientific issues, policy matters, and the day-to-day realities of anesthesia practice.
Our mission is to deconstruct complex topics, recognizing that the truth often lies in the nuanced middle ground rather than at extremes. We bring unique value to our listeners by examining the nexus of clinical practice, education, and policy, offering insights that go beyond any single perspective.
Join us for thought-provoking discussions that bridge the gap between theory and practice in the world of anesthesia.
Anesthesia Deconstructed: Moving Anesthesia Forward
Dr. Joe Rodriguez testifies against title protection bill in Wisconsin
In an attempt to control the freedom of what other professions call themselves and limit titles in Wisconsin, the medical society introduced SB 143.
On May 24, Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists President Jenna Palzkill—as well as Dr. Joe Rodriguez, who was representing the AANA—helped inform and educate the Wisconsin Senate Committee on Health on why proposed SB 143 does NOT help Wisconsinites.
If passed, this bill would preclude the use of the title Nurse Anesthesiologist in the state. An attempt of one competitor trying to control another. This is the audio of that testimony that ended this attempt.
You can learn more about the genesis of Nurse Anesthesiologist here: https://www.nurseanesthesiologistinfo.com/